Self-Empowerment, Will, Boldness
The Two of Wands stands for the power that we all wield. It stands for both the power we all have to create and the power within us, our will and self.
In regards to it showing up in relation to you, it means it can be a time to make your dreams a reality. It shows a solid starting point is at hand and forces are aligning to aid you in your drive. This is a time to envision your goal and begin your journey toward it. It is important to use the power for your ends. Do not simply exercise it because you can.
When this card shows outside you; it can be a reminder. It shows while there are many things outside of our control, you are ultimately in control of your life. The choices you make come from you and flow from you.
The final meaning, Boldness, seams from the power that the card indicates. Your creativity could be at a high or more ideas could simply be around than usual. It is a time for you to act on a plan.