• Top 10 Halloween Costumes

      SpookyRealm.com proudly presents our editors' choice of the top 10 Halloween costumes!

      Feel free to comment on our choices, or let us know which costumes are YOUR favorites!

      Note: Click on image for a bigger version

      10) Batman and Poison Ivy costume:

      9) The Creeper (DC Comics) costume:

      8) Team Rocket (Pokemon) costume:

      7) Potter Puppet Pals costumes:

      6) Pac-Man costume:

      5) Deanna Troi, Beverly Crusher, and Jean Luc Picard (Star Trek) costumes:

      4) Dr Mario costume:

      3) Kirby costume:

      2) Tetris costume:

      1) Bumblebee (Transformers) costume:
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