• The Minor Arcana - Nine of Pentacles

      Disciple, Self-Reliance, Refinement

      This is a card that on the surface only shows material gain at its finest. It is about the fine things in life, the arts, music, all things civilized. This card also holds hints that you do not need to focus solely on the material aspects of the world. It can indicate that you need to simply take the higher road. All this comes from the work of the previous cards, simply, you have reached a point of comfort from your own efforts and you do not need to worry about simply wasting it. Take a look at what you have accomplished and you will see many rewards have already come to you.

      This card also has to do with self-reliance and a refinement. As mentioned earlier, this card shows solid stability. The person in the card is enjoying things, yet they hold a bird in hand. That bird is a representation of the more basic elements within the self. The bird is tamed, thus allowing the person to pursue different things. Think of the bird as your other side, the dark parts of you. When tamed and directed properly even that side of you can be used for something productive.

      Remember, the benefits of this can only be seen by you. Only a few select people might be able to spot something about your gains. This is more about your own refinement than anything else. It is time to move for something higher than what you previously aimed for.
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