• The Minor Arcana - Seven of Pentacles

      Assessment, Reward, Direction Change

      This is a card that can go many different ways. It can be a call for you to take some time to appreciate what you have recently achieved or it can be telling you to simply take a moment and pause in your life. The fruits of your labors have come to bear. It is a time to enjoy those rewards.

      This card is also a call for taking a moment to look at what has been happening. It could be a time-out from that big project or event and seeing where all of it is heading. It is that time where you stop and catch your breath between parts. Do you have what you thought you would at this point? Are things moving as you expected? What needs to change? Do you keep with this or do you move on?

      The question with this card is do you relish in what you have or to move on. As it is a pentacle card, this comes with a risk. This is your intermission so be prepared to dive in and work even harder.
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