Integration, Accomplishment, Fulfillment.
The World is the end of the Major Arcana, the end of the Fool's Journey. It is the end, leading back to the beginning, back to Zero and the Fool. This card stands for a wholeness in one's life. Something that is there and completely suffuses you. It is being in the company of friends, a sense of accomplishment and connection to everything around you. It is when we feel one with the world that we experience it as this Card represents it. It to to reach the end of a long journey, to reunite to with friends, achieve a long term goal. The key element through all of this is to actively give something to everything else.
The Fool's Journey
The Fool walks on, finding so much changed about him. He remembers all his teachers and their various lessons. He remembers his trials and the errors that he had made. The Fool then realizes suddenly that he stands on the same cliff that he began his journey on. He can see his old staff with its small bag, holding everything that he once head dear with his coins, the small sword and the chalice. The Fool picks up his staff and other belongings. He remembers who he was when he began his journey so very long ago. This time, he knows what he seeks in life,. having found so much through his journey. The Fool is not so much a Fool anymore, yet walks along the cliff edge once more to remember what it was to be that young, innocent man again. The Fool has finished this journey and now looks for another journey to take ...