• The Major Arcana - The Tower

      Sudden Changes, Releasing, Falling Down, Revelation

      The Tower is the final card of drastic change. It is a sign of a sudden upheaval. It will be swift and it will be certain. This is a release from the old suddenly. It is a card of change with a blow to something. It could be your Ego, it could be a great surprise, it could be anything you are holding within suddenly bursting outwards. It is sudden and usually violent. At its core, the Tower stands for the Revelations that people have when something like that happens. It is not to say it is necessary to embrace all of the change, but at least try to embrace what it brings into your life.

      The Fool's Journey
      As the darkness begins to set in, the Fool finishes building his Tower. He feels he has left a mark on the world at last, something that can indeed be a note of his journey. As the last rays of light fade, a sudden flash strikes the Tower. The Fool sees what he built destroyed swiftly and decisively. Everything there is suddenly gone. The Fool feels a harsh blow to himself, but in that moment, he feels something else as well. In that time, he finds a truer sense of himself. He feels that his own ego has been destroyed with the Tower. With that, the Fool somehow feels that his journey has moved forward when he has not taken a step for a while.
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