• The Major Arcana - Death

      Endings, Transition in life, Unavoidable Change, A Culling

      Death is a card of true, absolute change. While it can, very rarely, mean an actual death, more it stands for a symbolic death. This card is more like the transitions in life. After any traumatic event, while one feels something has died, something new has taken its place. Something is lost, but more than anything it is a sacrifice from within, some aspect of yourself. More often than not, it is an older piece of yourself that has hung around too long.

      The Fool's Journey
      As the Fool rights himself from being hung, he finds himself in an encounter with Death. The Fool is surprised as he thought he had yet to reach the end of his Journey, yet now death stands in his presence. While the Fool has lost so much, he stands in front of Death with one thing left inside him. Death calmly tells him it was a fated time for them to meet, as he stands ready to enter the final parts of his journey. Death tells the Fool that he is not the end, but a force that sweep across everything in time. That he, like the Fool rides within Fate and calls every one and every thing to its time. Death plucks something from the Fool, claiming that it was what he had come for, the last piece of his older self that remained.
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