• The Minor Arcana - Nine of Wands

      Perseverance, Will, Endurance

      When you are finding walls around, blocking you from your goals, this is the card that you want to pull. If you have dealt with tough times before, it can also be a sign the experiences from those will be coming into play soon. This card shows an end of a struggle, but likely one that will call upon a surprising resource when you do enter into it.

      Perseverance is one of the big aspects of this card. In ways, this card stands for the last of the obstacles between you are and your goal. You can only reach though every obstacle that has come before you if you have the tenacity to do so. You will likely call on reserves you forgot you had to do this but the pay out is worth the price. Keep on, the end is near.

      In regards to Will, this card makes it clear. The figure has seen better days and is using his staff as a crutch yet is ready at a moment's notice to defend. It is the inner reserves of Will that keep this figure up and wary, ready.

      Endurance takes a slightly different aspect here. It does remain, partially to the part of just maintaining your composure but also being able to endure the last strike of an attack. You might need to simply let the struggle go and that sometimes takes more out of someone than going in for the fight.
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