• The Major Arcana - The Lovers

      Relations, Sexuality, Personal Beliefs and Values

      Just as the Heirophant was find one's place in society at large, the Lovers represent establishing your own beliefs. This is both how you relate to other people and your personal convictions. It encourages one to question what they been taught and to think for themselves. It is more about establishing your own morals, having a sense of right and wrong. Also, as the name implies, it is about relationships, the union between two people who care for each other. It is the desire to be yourself yet to be part of a great whole.

      The Fool's Journey
      As the Fool wanders through the town, he thinks on what he has learned so far from the Heirophant, Emperor, Empress, High Priestess and Magician. His musing are interrupted by the approach of two people. One is dressed elegantly, flowing down the street provocatively while the other is dressed plainly yet has an undeniable quality about them. The Fool feels two different things looking at them. One simply stirs something new that is very base inside him with their dress and movements while the other simply draws him to them. Drawn to the charm of the plain person, the Fool learns of deep love and connection. Much time passes as the Fool develops him own beliefs and is something much greater than just himself as he had previously been.
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