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Thread: astrology astrologer

  1. #1

    astrology astrologer

    Discuss astrology astrologer

  2. #2
    Editor ZidaRose's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: astrology astrologer

    I think this one might be here on accident. The sense of this does not quite seem to fit.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    3 Plumridge,Rd Doylestown,PA,18902

    Re: astrology astrologer

    I believe that Astrology can be used as a powerful and fun tool for understanding ourselves, others, and the world around us.If you are new to Astrology, or have not yet had your natal chart drawn, visit here Astrology & Horoscopes :: Astrology Readings - LifeReader Astrology was used in just about every aspect of life in the ancient days.ship navigating by stars sun and moon Ancient children were taught astrology much like children today are taught biology, naturally. It was that astrological observation that told the ancients when to plant crops, when to set up shelters, when to have feasts, and even when to follow the "wandering stars" to different lands.Astrology and astrologers should not be confused with Tarot, psychics, or any type of spiritual medium. Astrology is not a religion or belief system, although many people have tried to turn it into such a superstition. Astrology is neutral information about the physical world we live in. Such neutral information should not be seen as "good" or "evil." Astrology and astrologers should not be confused with Tarot, psychics, or any type of spiritual medium. Astrology is not a religion or belief system, although many people have tried to turn it into such a superstition. Astrology is neutral
    information about the physical world we live in.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    621 8th Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501

    Re: astrology astrologer

    I am new in this field of astrology astrologer..

    Please can somebody tell me what 'astrologers' ethics' are?

    can any expert person here to tell me what exactly astrology astrologer.

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